Hello and a very warm welcome to Sole n Soul. My name is Melanie and I am an ITEC qualified Reflexologist (Distinction Grade) and a Usui Holy Fire 2 Reiki Ryoho Practitioner offering treatments in and around the Southampton area.

I am also a member of the Complementary Therapists Association and on the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.  Both of these organisations have guidelines to follow and one of their requirements is that I have regular refresher training, this ensures you are always in safe hands.

I also received training within The MacMillian Cancer Centre, this is based within the Southampton General Hospital.

MacMillan offer cancer patients various complementary therapies throughout their treatment and I was delighted to be on their team of therapists.

Reiki is a holistic therapy meaning it treats body, mind and soul.  Everyone deserves to be holistically healthy and this can be achieved by holistic treatments and healthy lifestyle choices.

I have been trained in Usui Holy Fire 2 Reiki Ryoho system of healing, this has given me the necessary attunements and knowledge to be able to offer this as a therapy to clients.  I love being able to offer Reiki to people as they find it so relaxing and beneficial to their general wellbeing.

Reiki is a special kind of Ki, it is guided by spiritual consciousness and is defined as spritually guided life energy.

Rei – Spiritual Wisdom

The general meaning of Rei is universal and a definition that many have used.

Ki – Life Energy

Ki is also known as the vital life force or universal life energy.  Every living thing has Ki running through it and Reiki works with this energy.

If your energy is low or if there has been a restriction in its flow you may be more vunerable to illness.  When your energy is high and flowing freely you may be less likely to become sick. 

Life energy plays an important role in everything we do.  Ki is also the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts and spiritual life.

Reiki sessions may help release any blocked energy channels you have, this helps to ensure your Ki is flowing freely to give you a general feeling of deep relaxation and wellbeing.
